In Yalla! Let’s Talk’s very first Ramadan Special, we have Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Emile Sabga with us today to discuss all things related to nutrition and fasting in Ramadan. We dive straight into debunking myths about nutrition and fasting, and what healthy eating entails. Dr. Emile and I talk about fasting and why fasting is good for the body, mind, and soul. Learning to eat the right foods during Ramadan, specifically during Iftar and Suhoor, to maximize the benefits of fasting is what Dr. Emile emphasizes in this episode. Discussing the various areas of nutrition and learning to manage your stress by doing what you are passionate about will aid you in living a longer and more fulfilling life. This Ramadan Special episode focuses on providing all information related to fasting and eating in Ramadan and how one can make the most of this month.