This post is written as a resource for LGBTQ+ Arabs in our community. YLT is a safe and inclusive space for all Arabs and Arab-identifying Millennials and Gen Z. We see you and support you through your journey whether you choose to come out or not. By no means are we suggesting you come out, especially if you do not feel ready or safe. We hope this post helps if you’re considering coming our to your Arab parents. Sending you much love.
- Be Patient.
It is not an easy to tell Arabs parents you identify as something other than straight. One of the reasons is because Arab community tends to be very family oriented, and parents expect children to get married and give them grandchildren. In addition, some might have religious views that clash. So, when trying to come out to Arabs parents, bear in mind their perspective and be patient. Consider that they may need some time to adjust.
- Consider the timing.
Is it a good time for you to come out to your parents? Are you financially independent? Are they going through a stressful time? Picking the right moment can be key to making the news more digestable.
- Consider telling your siblings first.
If you’re close with a sibling, consider telling them first. If they support you, they can prepare the ground for your parents before and after you come out.
- Arm yourself with answers ahead of time.
You know your parents better than almost anyone else, and if you anticipate their concerns, you can be ready with some answers that will be hard for them to dispute. Make sure you prepare.
- Be Prepared for the Worst
Unfortunately, there is a big risk that your parents might not react the way you wanted to be. Let’s face it: hollywood makes it seem like they’ll just open their arms, hug you, and say they knew it all a long. Though we still encourage you to be positive, a negative reaction can take two forms: they might want you to see doctors to “fix it”, in which case you have to explain that you are proud to be and will always be. The other bad reaction they might have is wanting you to leave. If that happens, tell them that you love them and you are sad they are rejecting your love. Tell them you will be there when they will change their minds.
We hope this was helpful insight if you were considering coming out to your Arab parents. You can take a look at Amy’s story of coming out to her Arab parents as bisexual. Let us know down in the comments section or DM us on Instagram what you think, or if there’s anything else you’d like us to address on LGBTQ+ Arab issues.
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