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Stigma of Menstruation in Arab Culture

“The active ingredient in period stigma is misogyny” (Lindy West)  Women in many cultures, especially in Arab cultures, are told that menstruation is a shameful topic that should not be discussed publicly, especially in front of men. This stigmatization is

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Are North Africans Arab?

North African countries have an identity crisis because of their genetic make-up. Through thousands of years, North African people have been influenced (albeit forced) by centuries of colonization from the Roman Empire, the German Vandals, the Italian Empire, the Greek

Netflix: The Boss of Inclusivity

‘I need to stop.’ I whispered to myself, as I clicked the next episode. Disclaimer: This post has spoilers and discusses sensitive topics. ‘Netflixing’ is a real addiction many suffer from; the act of binge-watching has become ever more rampant

Mental Health in MENA: Is the Stigma Over?

“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, more unashamed conversation” (Glenn Close) How many times have you attempted to discuss your mental health and it was ignored?  Why is mental health deemed less important and trivial compared to

Pandemic stories: Arabs shared what they learned

This pandemic has been a rollercoaster, a year full of chaos and we know we are not the only ones feeling exhausted. Everyone just wants the masks, stay-at-home orders, and lockdowns to end, but this has become the new norm.

Climate Change and Wildfires: What is happening?

Climate Change has been a key discussion in society for a very long time. Scientists have kept warning us time and time again that if we don’t take immediate action to protect our earth then we can be in serious

Rainbow Railroad: This Canadian organization is saving LGBTQ lives

Rainbow Railroad is a Toronto-based charitable organization that helps lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals escape from violence and persecution in their home countries. Currently, there are 72 countries where being gay is illegal. In the past, they

Supported by Ontario Creates and Canadian Arab Institute

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