I worry for a country defined by its wars
A country coated in fear
And infiltrated with violence
Enemies who abuse its vulnerabilities
Tears of thick blood shed by bombs of silence
My mother can still hear the sirens
My father quietly sorrows
I can’t help but wonder,
How they hide their trauma under covers
For I’ve only heard of, not experienced
The Iraq where ferocity hovers
I worry for a country defined by its wars
Can its heart still beat strong,
After it’s been so heavily torn?
I say yes,
More for selfish reasons
As it’s the only country I wish to admire
In any of life’s seasons
If you ask me exactly when,
I’ll lower my head and look to the floor
That is a question I’ve never been able to answer,
Since time struggles to heal all of its sores
By Renell Shisha
IG: @renshishh