
Why is Unity Such a Big Deal for Muslims? | Saleh Family

In this episode of the Yalla! Let’s Talk. Podcast’s Ramadan Special, we have content creators Sana and Will of the @SalehFamily. The @SalehFamily focuses on creating content to humanize the Muslim community and unite them all regardless of their differences.

How To Unlock the Benefits of Fasting l Dr. Emile Sabga

In Yalla! Let’s Talk’s very first Ramadan Special, we have Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Emile Sabga with us today to discuss all things related to nutrition and fasting in Ramadan. We dive straight into debunking myths about nutrition and fasting, and

How To Make Headlines and Inspire Cultural Pride l Asala Dabke

In this episode of Yalla! Let’s Talk, we explore the inspiring story of  @AsalaDabke , a Palestinian Dabke group, formed a brotherhood and passed the torch for years. Learn how Wasif and Omar balance school, work, and social life while creating

How to Win at Life & Beat the Odds l Karl Wolf

What exactly is winning? How do you beat the odds when all cards are stacked against you? In this episode, we talk to the legend @KarlWolfs to learn more about his winning attitude, the mindset that got him to where

The Reality of Content Creators’ Mental Health l Saif Shawaf

To launch the Yalla! Let’s Talk. (Podcast), we have content creator @SaifShawaf as our first guest. Saif is known for his wholesome content and to make people laugh with his street-style interview #makemelaugh and #makeme . In this episode, Saif

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Are North Africans Arab?

North African countries have an identity crisis because of their genetic make-up. Through thousands of years, North African people have been influenced (albeit forced) by centuries of colonization from the Roman Empire, the German Vandals, the Italian Empire, the Greek

Supported by Ontario Creates and Canadian Arab Institute

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