mental health

I Went to Gaza and This is What I Found l Deya Elayyan

In this episode, I talk with one of the most influential online voices in Jordan, Deya Elayyan. Deya is not your typical influencer – he studied engineering in the US before moving to Jordan, as well as he uses his

Sex in the Arab World l Shereen El Feki

“If you really want to know people, you start by looking inside their bedroom”. Today, I talk to journalist and author, Shereen El Feki on what goes behind closed doors in the Arab world. We are diving into sensitive topics,

Can Authenticity Heal You? l Najwa Zebian

In this episode, we dive into a discussion on being your true and authentic self. The conversation is through the lens of culture, religion, parents’ expectations, and how to reconcile those forces in order to move forward, heal, and lead

Life as a Palestinian Living in the West Bank

This week, Israel has arrested (again) Khalida Jarrar, an iconic Palestinian leader, in the occupied West Bank. She was last released from prison in September 2021, after serving two years on charges of belonging to the Popular Front for Liberation

Supported by Ontario Creates and Canadian Arab Institute

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