mental health

How to Heal Yourself from Transgenerational Trauma

Mental health and emotional wellbeing is a topic that should be addressed often. With time individuals are starting to discuss anxiety, depression, and even various different disorders, however, transgenerational trauma is something that occurs but is a topic that is

When Will Color Come? A Poem by a Closeted Arab

Trigger warning and a note from the author: This poem deals with very adult themes relating to self-harm, mental distress, and other psychological issues that LGBTQ+ youth can face. If you are experiencing any form of mental distress, remember to

4 Ways To Improve Your Mood During Quarantine

As we know there are numerous parts of the world right now that are in strict lock down due to the growing spread of the Coronavirus. Although we hope that there will come a time when things will go back

Supported by Ontario Creates and Canadian Arab Institute

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