
How Muslims Celebrate Eid Around The World

There are so many Muslims around the world that come from such unique backgrounds, cultures, and customs of doing things. Eid and any type of celebration can be extremely different for Muslims living in various parts of the world, especially

5 Exceptional Young Arab Women in STEM

International Women’s Day (IWD) this month is a celebration where we get to talk about womanhood, and to honour those women who have challenged the gender biases of our days. And if there are any women who have challenged gender

10 Arab Women-Owned Businesses to Support

As Arabs, it’s not every day that we see ourselves represented in the media and when we do, a lot of the time, it’s not shown in a positive light. Behind the scenes, we’re growing, building, learning and helping each

Wearing your Identity with Nominal

Are you looking for beautiful hand-crafted jewelry and accessories that represent your land of the Middle East? Or are you looking for something that makes you feel a sense of identity and empowerment? We have one word for you guys;

5 Influential Black Arab Women You Should Know About

Black History Month is the time of year where we tell the untold stories of Black men and women. we have an opportunity to learn of the historical impact and contribution the black community has had on society.  Dating as

Do we need a “Black Arab History Month”?

As this year’s Black History Month comes to a close, I couldn’t help but wonder if the Arab world needs its own version of “Black History Month”. A month where we can educate our fellow Arabs about the history of

Supported by Ontario Creates and Canadian Arab Institute

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