mental health

Navigating Content Creation’s Hidden Challenges l Ironno

In this episode on Yalla! Let’s Talk., we have content creator who shares her reality as a content creator and why she decided to both stop and then come back. Diana, also known as @Ironno, has been featured on Cosmopolitan

How To Unlock the Benefits of Fasting l Dr. Emile Sabga

In Yalla! Let’s Talk’s very first Ramadan Special, we have Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Emile Sabga with us today to discuss all things related to nutrition and fasting in Ramadan. We dive straight into debunking myths about nutrition and fasting, and

The Reality of Content Creators’ Mental Health l Saif Shawaf

To launch the Yalla! Let’s Talk. (Podcast), we have content creator @SaifShawaf as our first guest. Saif is known for his wholesome content and to make people laugh with his street-style interview #makemelaugh and #makeme . In this episode, Saif

Interview with Dana Salah – on ADHD, identity and music

Dana Salah is a Jordanian-Palestinian singer, songwriter, and musician. After graduating from Duke University with a degree in economics, Salah moved to New York City to pursue her music career under the name King Deco. Creating music as King Deco,


Neemz: The Talented Pop Star

In this raw interview with Yalla! Let’s Talk. Neemz discusses her existence as a hijabi Arab female pop star in the USA, her fears and motivations, her journey, and her newest song, Awake. With the influx of Arabian artists erupting

Mental Health in MENA: Is the Stigma Over?

“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, more unashamed conversation” (Glenn Close) How many times have you attempted to discuss your mental health and it was ignored?  Why is mental health deemed less important and trivial compared to

Pandemic stories: Arabs shared what they learned

This pandemic has been a rollercoaster, a year full of chaos and we know we are not the only ones feeling exhausted. Everyone just wants the masks, stay-at-home orders, and lockdowns to end, but this has become the new norm.

BIPOC mental health: it is important to speak up

Mental health has been a very prevalent topic in recent years and for the right reasons because it is something that so many people struggle with. Just after the pandemic more individuals than ever had faced mental health issues whether

Let’s talk about conversion therapy

During pride month, we had plenty of time to discuss the incredible influencers and representatives of the LGBTQ+ community and the efforts that they are putting forward to break the negative stigma that surrounds their community. We think it is

Supported by Ontario Creates and Canadian Arab Institute

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