
Some of What You Missed at the Harvard Arab Conference 2021

The Harvard Arab conference 2021 is North America’s largest pan-Arab conference, bringing together nearly 1,300 students and professionals to discuss key issues with the Arab region’s most prominent politicians, influencers, business people, and society leaders to have important and impactful

We Talked to Ameer Al-Khatahtbeh About His @Muslim Journey

This is an Instagram account that most people from the young Muslim community are probably familiar with. The account is called @Muslim, featuring all content related to what is happening in the Muslim world, what it means to be Muslim,

In Case You Missed: Trendiest Music by Arab Artists

Music is known to bring people together, no matter where they’re from. Music mends the soul, heals the heart, and is the life to any party. Arabic music is known to have diverse styles and various genres. The incredible thing

We Talked Fashion With Palestinian Designer Rami Kashou

Rami Kashou is a Palestinian fashion designer known to make beautiful couture clothing that has perfectly balanced features of East and West. Born and raised in Palestine, shortly after high school he went to design school in Cyprus. But when

Playing “We’re Not Really Strangers” With Salman Shawaf

An ambitious Architecture student in Ottawa, TikToker, Private Pilot, soon-to-be Realtor in the Greater Toronto Area, and a man with incredibly positive vibes, we sat down with none other than Salman Shawaf! Part of the #ShawafyArmy, Salman boasts over 200K

Did You Know About These 5 Male Arab Rappers?

If you are tired of listening to the same mainstream rappers that are everywhere in the media, and you want to add more spice to your life? Here is a versatile list of the best 5 male Arab rappers you

Supported by Ontario Creates and Canadian Arab Institute

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