Middle East

BIPOC mental health: it is important to speak up

Mental health has been a very prevalent topic in recent years and for the right reasons because it is something that so many people struggle with. Just after the pandemic more individuals than ever had faced mental health issues whether

Eid Al-Adha: Why do Muslims sacrifice an animal?

Eid is a very sacred and special holiday for Muslims all over the world, and every culture has a different way of celebrating the special holiday. One thing that all countries have in common specifically on Eid Al-Adha or Bakra

3 Arab Chefs That You Need to Follow

We all love food, right? Perhaps some more than others. Middle Eastern food is next-level good, and we truly stand by those words, so if you have not tried Middle Eastern cuisine or are in need of a recipe, not

Does staring at a screen affect our confidence?

The pandemic has changed a lot of our day-to-day activities especially when it comes to daily interactions with people. For the first time in the past year, we have been continuously staring at our screen all day and the interactions

Olympics 2020: Middle East Highlights

The Olympics are a leading international sporting event featuring summer and winter sports competition in which thousands of athletes globally come together and participate in a variety of different sports. The Olympics are considered the world’s most intense sports competition

Why Imaan Hammam should be your model inspiration

Imaan Hammam has been the talk ever since she graced the red carpets, multiple Vogue Arabia front covers, took designer runways by a storm, and showed off her amazing self on Instagram. Hammam is actually a Dutch model, but she

Palestine is no longer trending, now what?

Too often, social issues get picked up by hashtags or shares and become trending topics for a couple of few weeks and then die down. In the case of social justice: this must change. Palestine is no longer trending but

When Will Color Come? A Poem by a Closeted Arab

Trigger warning and a note from the author: This poem deals with very adult themes relating to self-harm, mental distress, and other psychological issues that LGBTQ+ youth can face. If you are experiencing any form of mental distress, remember to

7 LGBTQ+ Arabs You Should Watch For

Tomorrow is the last day of Pride month, but let’s be real, pride lasts all year. So in honor of pride life, here are 7 LGBTQ+ Arabs you should know about.  1. Ahmed Shihab-Eldin  If you’re on social media, you know Ahmed Shihab-Eldin.

Supported by Ontario Creates and Canadian Arab Institute

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